He has got the spoon going in the right direction, as Daddy is opening up something yummy!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Now that Teagan has reached 6 months, the doctor ok'd us to start Teagan out on "solid"foods. This means stage 1, basically very pried fruits and veggie. He said to continue to breastfeed as his main source of food and try out these foods for practice. So we now have been doing this for the last few weeks. It is funny to watch him with the first few bits, he make funny faces while he is trying to get the consistency down, since it is all thicker then breast milk! Teagan has tried rice cereal mixed up with breast milk, pears, peaches,(a little tart, I try them all too!),applesauce,(he loves them!)bananas, carrots, green beans, squash, and sweet potatoes. At 7 months (July 2) we can start him on stage 2, which means we can add two food together, and/or they would be as pried. Here are a few pictures of his with some of the stage 1 foods.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Class of 2009
In late may I found out that I had enough credits to Graduate with an Associates Degree in General Studies. I graduated on Friday, June 12. I am pleased with myself, especially with having Teagan early. You may or may not remember my water broke the week before finals Fall term! I feel great that I have accomplished a goal, and that I am now a well rounded person, mentally, not physically! I brought Teagan to school with me to pick up my cap and gown, and he decided to try on my cap, and enjoyed playing with my tassel.
As it turns out my school's colors are green and gold, so he was dressed appropriately.
Here is Michelle with Teagan, she is the one who helped me out with all my classes and got me organized so I could graduate. Thank You!
I believe this is a picture of me walking down the aisle to go sit down with my class.
Sheryl caught me going across the stage, but I must have walked to fast, so it is a double, including my size! But you get the point.
My supported husband and me.
Here is my proud Dad, me, and my Aunt Jane!
My Dad and me.
Here is my proud Dad, me, and my Aunt Jane!
My Dad and me.
Me and Teagan!
My family.
Here we are with my holding up my diploma cover.
Another family shot.
Another shot of me with Teagan!
Me and James
Poor Teagan, it got pretty late for him since the graduation started at 7pm and his bedtime is 8pm, and the graduation ceremony took an hour and a half. James brought along a bottle, but it was too cold for his liking and spit it out on James , so the ended up walking around most of the time. However, I did look out while I was walking across the stage and saw them standing up in the back, so I know they saw me too! As soon as we got Teagan to the car and in his car seat, we hadn't even left the parking lot, and he was out!
Poor Teagan, it got pretty late for him since the graduation started at 7pm and his bedtime is 8pm, and the graduation ceremony took an hour and a half. James brought along a bottle, but it was too cold for his liking and spit it out on James , so the ended up walking around most of the time. However, I did look out while I was walking across the stage and saw them standing up in the back, so I know they saw me too! As soon as we got Teagan to the car and in his car seat, we hadn't even left the parking lot, and he was out!
Thanks to all that supported me while going to school. Much love and thanks goes to you!
So what is my plan now, well keep going to school and try to get into the nursing program!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Coffee Girl lunch
Teagan and I met up with Grandma Tapir for lunch at Coffee Girl. Teagan fell asleep in the car, then woke up while we were there.
Teagan asleep in his car seat.
Sheryl's cappuccino, do you see the leaf design?
Someone woke up.
A little grin for Mama.
Someone woke up.
A little grin for Mama.
We have a few pairs of these socks in different colors. They look like shoes, but have real string for laces, and a big plus is that they actually stay on! (well for the most part, better then most socks, as you moms out there know, you come home with one sock on the baby!)
Hello Grandma Tapir!
Kisses for Buds!
Haha, Mama, your funny!
Look at the cup compared to Teagan!
Wanna try some.....
Teagan loves paper napkins, of course he trys to put them in his mouth, which then they starts to disintegrate!
I am showing Teagan a little boat that is zooming past us. As you may now know, since I talk about it a lot, is that Coffee Girl was an old cannery that sits out on a pier on the Columbia River, in Astoria Oregon. We love to watch the ships that past by, along with the birds, and seal lions.
coffee girl,
grandma tapir,
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Teagan- 6 Month Update
This last Tuesday, the 2nd, Teagan turned 6 months! I can't believe how time is passing by. He is really developing, he can now roll over from his tummy to his back and is sooo close from rolling from his back to his tummy, which is harder 'cause of that darn arm gets stuck underneath his belly. His whole body can roll over then his arm is left stuck, so he will just flop back over to his back. Any day now he'll get it. Teagan is still in size 2 diapers and is wearing 0-3 month, or 3 month clothes, and only in his white onesies is he wearing 6-9 month. He has discovered his hands and puts his fingers in his mouth quite a bit, lots of drool! The last couple of days he has discovered his feet, this is new. He smiles a lot and is a good baby, he has been sleeping through the night since he was about 3 1/2 months. We are still breastfeeding only, and mostly on his schedule. He has been going to daycare a few hours, 4 days, a week while I am up at the college. The babysitter is very close to our home and the school, so it works out very nicely. He does well there and enjoys watching the other children, since he is the youngest. Teagan is really doing well with his hand-eye coordination, he wants to grab everything he sees, glasses, your nose, and his toys. Once he has grabbed a hold of a toy he immediately brings it to his mouth.
Today we went to his 6 month checkup, you know what that means....yes, shots! He did very well, most cried on the last one, out of the two injections, and one oral. James and I took a guess at how much he weighs....we were both wrong. As you know James and I are not the tallest people, so therefore neither is our son. He weighs 15lbs 2oz, and is 24 1/2 inches tall. Last time at his 4 month he was 13lbs 4oz, and 23 .8 inches. He is only in the 12% percentile for his age. This mean that only 12% of children his age, 6 months, are his weight. We are not concerned though, and he doctor wasn't too concerned either. The only thing that really grew was Teagan's head circumferences, it went from 41cm to 43cm.
Teagan's doctor gave us the go ahead to try out stage 1 goods. These would means rice, oat, or barely cereal, and single fruit or vegetables that are pureed. He said to feed him one of these items once a day about a tablespoon size amount to get him to see how he does with the foods. It is not to see what he likes because at this age they don't know what they like or don't like (unlike Kloden, who didn't care for peas...) It is to get them to practice moving the food, feel the texture in their mouth, swallow and breathe all at the same time. So on our way home we stopped by Safeway and stocked up on some Gerber's rice cereal that has DHA in it which helps support brain and eye development, which breast milk also has, but a little extra is nice. We also stocked up on a few fruits and veggies for Teagan, we'll see how it goes.
I will be sure to keep you all updated, stay tuned!
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