Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


As I am making my way through finals week, I can't help but to think that by the end of this week I will be finished with summer term, and we'll know what the sex of the baby is. I find it to be nerve racking, scary, exciting and still a little in disbelief. Thursday will be the big day if he or she cooperates with us and isn't shy. James and I have names picked out, well let me rephrase that, we have had a boys name picked out for quite some time and recently James came up with a girls name. So now we are set, and are just waiting to put one of them in use.
I went to Portland a few weeks ago to go shopping with my mom to buy some new clothes, which I always enjoy, but this was a little different....Maternity. So I was able to find lots of clothes, racked it in at Motherhood Maternity, but now I have a pair of capris that are already feeling tight! Guess I'll have to get used to that!
I'll be posting the results from Thursday's appointment, so look forward to that!


  1. Oooh, I can't wait to find out!!! You need to post right away :) Good luck! We were lucky and saw it was a boy as soon as the wand was put on my tummy. haha

  2. Good Luck! We didn't get to find out the sex at our 20 week appt, Jake was being VERY uncooperative. They tell you to drink lots of water, but later my doctor said, drink some OJ and eat a cookie right before the appt, it would have helped. But we found out later during our 3D/4D ultrasound that we were definatly having a boy (and the OJ helped). So, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. This appt will be so much fun for you guys!!!!
