Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, July 19, 2009


We went up to Tacoma to visit family and friends.We also came up to help clean out Grammy Z's house (sad). Jim and Connie were up there and were able to see Teagan, and show him off! Connie's Aunt Billy was thrilled to hold a baby again. This last weekend is when we decided that Teagan's nose was getting worse. He had a small scratch on it that just was not healing. I brought him to the doctor Monday morning and it was determined that he has a Staph infection. Two antibiotics is clearing up and thank God it is not MRSA, the multi drug resistant bacteria.

Billy giving Teagan loves.

Billy and Teagan

Grandma Connie, Teagan, and James at breakfast.

Teagan loves Grandma Connie's necklace.
(See Teagan's nose?)

This is Teagan's nose at its worst. Initially it was just a small cut on the tip of his nose, and then it just spread around his nostril and up inside his nose.
But it is practically cleared up now!

1 comment:

  1. oooh, thanks for that last close-up! Poor guy, glad he's feeling better. Have fun in CA!
