Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

First Haircut

Last week Teagan and I got our hair cut. This was Teagan's first haircut! He wasn't too sure about it, and didn't need very much cut off. Since I was by myself I only have two quick photos to share. Leroy has been cutting my hair since I was two and now it is Teagan's turn. This was a bit challenging 'cause I had to hold him and every time Leroy said, "Now hold real still" Teagan would turn to look at him, oops. With tree quick snips he was done. Leroy took one snip from each side of his head and one from the back, where he had a little baby mullet going on!

Teagan was on my lap and I took this picture in the mirror. You can see Teagan is not too sure, and he is not too sure he wants that toy either.

With scissors in hand Leroy did a quick snip job! Teagan was happier to hold a brush then that stuffed toy.


  1. there isn't really much time between first haircut and first shave so enjoy these moments as I see you do.

  2. Yeah, what's up with the frog? It looks OK to me :)
